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Buff Orpington pullets

Buff Orpington pullets

The Buff Orpington chicken is a sweet, good-tempered breed that looks about as classically “chicken-like” as they come! If you’re looking for a steady egg layer with a good disposition and a sturdy build, the Buff Orpington is a great choice of chicken for beginner poultry lovers and seasoned professionals alike!  Buff Orpington Chickens are a popular dual-purpose variety known for their fluffy feathers, excellent mothering skills, and sweet disposition. Buff Orpingtons are friendly and affectionate, making them the perfect breed for children. Buff Orpingtons mature moderately early and are good layers of brown eggs. They are also cold hardy and very broody, making them a great choice for the backyard homestead. hatched 10/14/20
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