Speckled Sussex
Speckled Sussex chickens are a beautiful addition to any backyard flock. They originated in the county of Sussex and is a very old English breed and recognized as a distinct breed in 1914. The Sussex is a very gentle and colorful bird. This variety of the Sussex breed makes for a good backyard chicken and dual purpose for meat or egg production. Speckled Sussexes lay quite well for a dual-purpose bird, averaging 180-240 eggs per year. Their eggs are light brown, smooth, and large. They are a very good layer and handle confinement well. Their speckled coloring makes them blend in with the background and camouflages them from predators such as coyotes and foxes. With each yearly molt, more speckles appear so they become even more colorful the older they get.Hatched 2/10 and vaccinated for Marek's.