Standard Silver Lace Cochin Pullets
The Silver Laced Cochin is quiet with a gentle disposition. The coloring of the Silver Laced Cochin resembles a Silver Laced Wyandotte. They are known for their abundance of soft, fluffy feathers from head to toe. Cochin hens are good layers, extremely likely to set, and are a good option for families as backyard chickens. Cochins are known for being particularly mild-mannered chickens, and with the Silver Laced Cochins, you get mild-mannered and absolutely gorgeous in one, fluffy chicken package. Silver Laced Cochins, like all varieties of the breed, are affectionate, calm birds. Because of their heavy feathering, Cochins do well in the cold weather, as long as their feet are dry. Hatched 3/24/21 and vaccinated for Marek's.